for the Pair
DESCRIPTION: A classic and quite old pair of hand carved South American wood stirrups. The Guacho of Argentina, the Morochucos of Peru and the Hauso of Chile all preferred large wooden "shoes" for use as stirrups rather than the more prevalent iron stirrup. These stirrups cover the whole front of the foot, which can be an advantage when riding through tall brush. This pair has good age and obvious usage; we estimate them to date from the early 1800's. Each shoe is carved from a single piece of wood, with lovely sun burst designs carved into the fronts. Each is wrapped with an iron strap, terminating at the top of the shoe with a bar and bolt for attaching the leather straps.
CONDITION: We sourced these in Chile while there on a South American buying trip, and they are most likely Chilean in origin. The stirrups are weathered and worn, but we consider this a part of their beauty. DIMENSIONS: Each is approximately 8 3/4" long x 7" wide.
Stock #W-MS1 |